On the May 31 episode of MBC’s new drama series Miss Ripley, written by Kim Seon-young and directed by Choi Yi Seob, Park Yoochun, a member of JYJ and actor, has garnered a lot of attention by showing a good command of English.
In the drama series, Song Yu-hyeon, the would-be successor of the head of Mondo Resorts played by Park, was born in Japan and speaks fluent Japanese as well as English.
When he attended his inaugural ceremony, Song gave a brief introductory greeting and started making an eloquent speech in English.
Dressed in a perfectly-fit black suit with a white dress shirt, or a dark blue suit with a sky-blue dress shirt, Park once again proved his superior figure, giving off his soft but charismatic appeal.
By Choe Min-jee (star@tvreport.co.kr)
Source: TVreport (Original article in Korean)
Photo from TVreport
Translated by Geum Jae / Korea.com
credit: en.korea.com
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